Visit our calendar for upcoming trustee meeting dates/times or click on the minute link below for details. Each meeting, trustees review the upcoming events, common grounds/trees, playground, courts, clubhouse, architectural committee updates and any other concerns. All homeowners are welcome to join and may bring concerns of their own. Regular meetings are held in the Clubhouse (851 Country Stone Drive, 63021) unless otherwise noted. March’s meeting is cancelled but replaced with the Annual Meeting. December’s regular meeting is cancelled but replaced for the voting day for the upcoming budget.
- 2024-08-12 Meeting
- 2024-09-09 Meeting
- 2024-10-14 Meeting
2024-03 Minutes and Presentation
2023-12 Voting Day – Meeting is replaced with our annual budget voting day (see above).
2023-03 Minutes and Annual Meeting Presentation
2022-12 – December’s meeting was cancelled in order to allow residents to vote for the 2023 assessment. The assessment for 2023 will be $340.00 ($20 increase from 2022). There were 49 votes for $340.00, 42 votes for $330.00, for a total of 18% of homeowners voting.
2022-03 Minutes (annual meeting and presentation)
2022-01 Minutes